Ben McKelvey

2 min

The Power Of Music

The emotion that somehow lives in a song is something that I’ll never be not be fascinated with. Songs can manipulate how you feel with such power that I really think they can change people. For example, I doubt anyone lifted their best bench press in the gym listening to Coldplay. You get that right gym playlist on and you can make yourself stronger, fitter and live longer. That to me blows my mind. You can start to understand why the best athletes in the world listen to music. Or the importance of a boxer’s ring walk song. It can change your life. Just 3 or 4 minutes of sounds and words.

But it can also change you emotionally. Maybe make you more understanding. Maybe it can give you a lift on a day you feel life has gone to shit. Imagine the amount of people who have had a better day because of a song they heard that morning.

And that’s why I think it’s so important to create music if you can. Think what music has given you in life. The soundtracks of the best nights of your life, your first dance with your life partner…all the way to the farewell song at someone’s funeral that will always remind you of them.

If you can play some chords on an instrument and put some words together, record it. Even if it’s just for you. It’s the most amazing therapy you’ll ever have. But if you can have the confidence to put a song or two out of your own, the world will get a little better. You can leave a legacy of your own and you never know who might hear it and how it might change their life.

The two guys that made this company are musicians. If you need any advice how to get started, feel free to reach out!